Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season (DVD)
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Titel: Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season.
Dette nye storslående drama fra HBO er baseret på den populære bogserie: A Song of Ice and Fire af George R.R. Martin hvoraf første del Kampen om Tronen netop er udkommet på dansk. Serien udspiller sig i en fantasiverden, hvor de magtfulde familier i de Syv Kongedømmer er låst fast i en strid om Jerntronen. I en beretning om løgn og forræderi, nobillitet og ære, erobring og triumf står kun vinderne tilbage - mens taberne gå til grunde.
Indeholder også:
Complete Guide to Westeros: An interactive compendium of the noble house and lands featured in season one.
Making Game of Thrones: An exclusive 30-minute feature including never-before-seen footage from the set and interviews from the cast and crew.
Creating the Show Open: An inside look at the creation of the Emmy-winning opening title sequence for Game of Thrones.
From the Book to the Screen: Executive producers David Benioff & D.B. Weiss, and author George R.R. Martin talk about the challenges of bringing Martin's epic fantasy novel to life on HBO.
Character Profiles: Profiles of 15 major characters as described by the actors portraying them.
The Night's Watch: An in-depth look at the unique order of men who patrol and protect the 700-foot ice Wall.
Creating the Dothraki Language: An insightful glance into the comprehensive Language created for the Dothraki people in Game of Thrones.
Audio Commentaries: Seven audio commentaries with Cast and Crew including David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, George R.R. Martin, Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington and more.
Produktions år: 2012.
Spilletid: 538 Min.
Regionskode: 2